Branch action plan

8 April 2015

Extract from St Andrews branch action plan, developed in consultation with our members:

You want more local representatives: Our local committee of volunteers already work very hard representing you at university meetings, helping members with workplace problems, attending national meetings etc. We would love to be able to help more of our members - and we need YOU to help us help you! Volunteer as a departmental rep or learning rep, train as a case worker, join the committee (see chart below for vacancies), help stick up posters, hold departmental meetings, contribute to the newsletter, recruit a friend or two... Any help you can give, however little it might seem, will be greatly appreciated and it all counts! There are regular training events for reps and the local/regional officers are here to support and advise you every step of the way.

Susan Melvin
St Andrews University UCU

Last updated: 23 January 2018