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All USS news

Important developments on the USS pension scheme.

  • 31 May 2022

    USS's latest financial monitoring report shows assets have increased by £22.3bn since the scheme's last valuation in March 2020.

  • 23 May 2022

    Members at more than 20 universities will proceed to a marking boycott on 23 May despite threats of 100% pay deductions from some rogue bosses. The boycott means…

  • 1 April 2022

    On 28 February 2022 the Trustees of USS approved changes to the pension scheme that came into effect on 1 April 2022. On 28 February 2022 the Trustees of USS approved…

  • 31 March 2022

    UCU demanded vice-chancellors order their employer body UUK to revoke brutal cuts to pensions after a drastic improvement to the USS finances was revealed by the…

  • 21 March 2022

    A third wave of strike action began today over the employers' decision to slash staff pensions. In a message to members on the eve of the action, UCU general secretary Jo…

  • 22 February 2022

    UCU told university employers to expect more industrial action after UUK's proposals that will lead to devastating cuts to USS pensions were ratified at a meeting…

  • 10 February 2022

    UCU general secretary Jo Grady said today that USS has now officially confirmed that UCU's proposals to protect benefits in return for slightly higher employer…

  • 2 February 2022

    UCU general secretary Jo Grady said 'It is deeply disappointing that... the best employers can offer is a temporary suspension of a cap on inflationary increases.'…

  • 26 January 2022

    UCU today issued a set of new USS pension proposals aimed at averting widespread industrial action across the UK. In a letter to the chair of the USS Joint Negotiating…

  • 21 January 2022

    Universities will see further strike action in February unless employers meet UCU's demands over USS. UCU's higher education committee (HEC), authorised sustained…