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UCU distinguished service awards

24 November 2023

UCU's Distinguished Service Awards recognise exceptional achievement at branch, regional, devolved nation, or national level, across all areas in which the union organises.

The full criteria can be found below. Nominations can be made by branches or regional committees/devolved nation bodies, using the procedure and nomination form below.

The scheme was revised by the national executive committee (NEC) in early 2023.

Where timing and practical circumstances allow, recognition of these awards at Congress may be possible, but it will not be the only time at which these awards will be given.

Nominations will be approved by the UK officers in consultation with the general secretary and reported to the NEC.

Any queries about these awards should be directed to democratic services:

Procedure for Distinguished Service Awards

  1. Nominations should be made by branches or by regional/devolved national committees. Nominations should be made on the form provided. Nominations should be returned to Democratic services at UCU head office.
  2. All nominations received at UCU head office will be sent on to the officers and general secretary. The decision of the officers will be reported to the NEC, and drawn to the attention of the relevant regional committee or devolved nation body. Nominees will be contacted immediately after the decision is made by the officers.
  3. Criteria are available below to assist branches or regional committees/devolved nation bodies in their decision-making.
  4. The award will be made by the general secretary's office and timing and circumstances permitting, may be made at Congress.
  5. The distinguished service award does not alter the recipient's membership status.

Guidance/criteria for branches or regional committees/devolved nation bodies considering nominations

Contributions to the union at regional and national level may be taken into account but it is not intended that Distinguished Service Awards should be made only to members who have engaged in national union service.

Consideration should be given to contribution in the following areas (though this list is not exhaustive):

  • supporting and representing members
  • organising, recruitment, and branch development
  • advancing the equality agenda
  • campaigning.

The impact which the nominee's contribution has had on other members should be described.

Length of service should not on its own be a basis for nomination.

There are many members who give notable service to the union. It is important that proposers, and regional committees considering nominations, identify what is outstanding or exceptional about a nominee's achievements.

Download the nomination form [144kb]

Last updated: 14 January 2025