Conditions of employment
Agreements and recommendations about the employment of staff negotiated by UCU and employer bodies, often alongside other workplace unions as part of national negotiations.
FE agreements in England
The vast majority of colleges in England are members of the Association of Colleges (AoC), an employers' organisation which negotiates nationally with UCU and other recognised trade unions (UNISON, NEU, ACM, T&G and GMB) in the National Joint Forum (NJF) to produce recommendations on employment issues for individual colleges to adopt.
FE agreements in Northern Ireland
UCU negotiates with the six incorporated institutions in Northern Ireland on conditions of service through the Lecturers' Negotiating Committee (LNC).
FE agreements in Wales
ColegauCymru is the employers' body in Wales. It represents all the FE colleges, St David's sixth form college and Workers Education Association (WEA). Representatives of ColegauCymru meet with the full time officials and lay negotiators of the recognised unions to reach agreement on pay and conditions of service in Wales.
HE national agreements and guidance
This page lists all the Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES) joint agreements, alongside related UCU guidance and commentary, and other documents relevant to industrial relations and employment within the university sector.
Overseas working guide
Over the last decade there has been a major growth in trans-national education (TNE) provision. By TNE we mean the delivery of educational programmes, award or credit bearing, by higher education institutions in countries other than their own. UK universities are increasingly involved in this process, including the establishment of 'offshore campuses'.
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