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FE agreements in Wales

30 October 2006

ColegauCymru is the employers' body in Wales. It represents all the FE colleges, St David's sixth form college and Workers Education Association (WEA). Representatives of ColegauCymru meet with the full time officials and lay negotiators of the recognised unions to reach agreement on pay and conditions of service in Wales.

See also: 
Wales FE pay scales
FE national bargaining in Wales

Wales national contract

In 2014 the joint trade union group in Wales negotiated with ColegauCymru a new national contract for all staff employed in further education colleges in Wales which members voted to accept.

Colleges started to implement the National Contract for all Staff in Wales from academic year 2014-15. All colleges must implement the national contract by 1 September 2016. The implementation agreement sets out the requirements for staff working in colleges in Wales:

National agreements

Each year we submit a pay claim which covers an increase in pay and a list of subjects we believe should be developed into national agreements.

Current agreements

Wales FE joint agreement on the management of change, Oct 18 [690kb]

Wales FE joint agreement on the employment of part time hourly paid lecturers, Oct 18 [126kb]

Wales FE joint agreement on time off in lieu (TOIL) for management contract staff, Oct 18 [135kb]

Wales FE joint agreement on starting salaries for lecturers and business support staff, Jul 16 [412kb]

National recognition and procedure agreement between ColegauCymru and recognised trade unions, Jun 14 [141kb]

National agreement on lecturer’s workload allocation for FE colleges in Wales, Dec 19 [377kb]

FE Wales joint agreement on domestic abuse, Mar 15 [110kb]

Wales FE student behaviour policy, Mar 21 [325kb]

Below are the agreements in relation to threshold progression and part-time agreement

Joint agreement for the employment of fixed-term employees in Wales, Apr 21 [391kb]

Agreement on the employment of part-time lecturing staff in FE (Wales) [48kb]

Agreement on the employment of instructor/demonstrator staff in FE (Wales), Nov 05 [23kb]

Towards pay parity with teachers

Wales FE pay agreement phase one: 2003-04 [142kb]

Wales FE pay agreement phase two: 2004-05 [492kb]

Wales FE pay agreement phase three: 2005-06 (threshold agreement) [382kb]

Wales FE pay agreement phase four: 2006-07 [91kb]

Performance management and review

Each college has an agreement on Performance Management and Review (PMAR) which outlines the application process to achieve threshold progression, a copy of that agreement can be obtained from your branch officers. UCU and the employers' body produced national guidance on the operation of PMAR, which should be reflected in those agreements:

Model agreement on the implementation of the national agreement on performance management and review systems in FE in Wales [75kb]

Guidance notes on the introduction of performance management and review systems in FE in Wales [84kb]

UCU would like all colleges to adopt the above model for the operation of PMAR.

Last updated: 6 August 2021