Public policy
UCU policy and research on government and other public policy agendas.
Rehabilitation and resettlement: ending the cycle of reoffending (2025)
UCU's response to the UK Parliament's Justice Committee Inquiry into 'Rehabilitation and resettlement: ending the cycle of reoffending'
Skills for the future: apprenticeships and training
UCU response to the inquiry into 'Skills for the future: apprenticeships and training' by the House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee.
Future of Work in Post-16 Education
The Future of Work in Post-16 Education project was set up to consider the threats and opportunities of the technology being used in the sector now and in the future, and how UCU should support members and branches to respond.
Skills 2030 - A World-class Skills System
UCU evidence to The Policy Connect, 'Skills 2030' inquiry held during Autumn 2023.

Post-16 qualifications at level 2 and below
UCU response to the 2022 DfE review of post-16 qualifications at level 2 and below in England.

Skills for jobs: FE funding and accountability
UCU response to the 2022 DfE consultation on implementing a new further education funding and accountability system in England.
Lifelong loan entitlement
In February 2022, the UK government ran a consultation on the lifelong loan entitlement, which in England from 2025 will provide individuals with a loan entitlement to the equivalent of four years of post-18 education to use over their lifetime.
Review of post-18 education and funding on higher education 2022
In February 2022, the UK government undertook a review of proposals for higher education reform, including student numbers and eligibility requirements, as well as setting out how the government plans to improve outcomes and rising costs and debt.
Post-16 qualification review 2021
The future of post-16 qualifications: written evidence submitted by UCU

FE funding and accountability reforms in England
The Department for Education held a consultation on further education funding and accountability reforms in England.
Initial teacher training (ITT) market review
The UK government have been consulting on changes to the initial teaching training system (ITE).
National Skills Fund consultation
The UK government Department for Education held a consultation on the operation of the National Skills Fund in England.
The Augar review
UCU response to the May 2019 Augar review of post-18 education sector and the funding issues it faces.
Taylor review of modern working practices
In July 2017, the Taylor review published a report on modern working practices which recommended that workers should have a right to request more secure contracts from their employers.
Review of post-18 education and funding 2018
In February 2018, the UK prime minister confirmed that the government would undertake a review of post-18 education and funding, with a stated aim of 'creating a joined-up system that works for everyone'.
'Securing student success' consultation
UCU responded to a 2017 Department for Education consultation for the new Office for Students on a new regulatory framework for HE in England.
Looking at UCU's policy on apprenticeships.
Briefing on the Teaching Excellence Framework
UCU briefing on the Teaching Excellence Framework following the year 2 results.
The second REF
UCU will be responding to the consultation on the second REF. This briefing requests feedback on some of the main recommendations in the consultation document.
Higher Education and Research Bill
UCU briefings on the 2017 Higher Education and Research Bill
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