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Does Cost Matter?

28 June 2016

A report looking at how students' views on the cost of higher education shape their decisions regarding study options.

This report by National Education Opportunities Network (NEON) looks at students' views about the cost higher education (HE) and how these shape the decisions of young people regarding HE entry, and in particular those who are intending to progress to HE.

It also looks at the knowledge that young people have of the student finance system, the support they receive from schools and colleges in making decisions regarding HE and this year, explores their views regarding the wider HE admission system in England.

The report draws on an online survey of 1500 students in year 13/final year Level 3 courses from 15 areas in England, and also this year focus groups undertaken with participants in the survey from London and Hull. The report is delivered with the support of UCU.

Does cost matter? June 2016 [274kb]

Last updated: 25 January 2022