Aberdeen UCU recruitment campaign update: 14 new members since start of May!

6 June 2013

A guest blog this week from Aberdeen UCU, containing a report from their local administrator and organiser Susan Bateman

Aberdeen UCU has set itself an ambitious target of achieving 5% growth by June 2014 and we've got off to a good start by recruiting 14 new members over the course of May 2013. Here are just a few of the things we're doing:

  • refreshing the material we use for local staff inductions, creating a 'what you need to know to work here' presentation;
  •  improving our welcome pack for new starters, including the addition of a greetings card that congratulates them on getting a new job.
  • producing local recruitment leaflets aimed at particular groups of
  • updating our website with local activities and the web address publicised in a variety of ways.

Our contacts and reps play a vital role this activity. Our aim is to strengthen our links with them by meeting them and discussing the most appropriate ways to recruit their colleagues. But we're also trying to ensure that we have a contact in every work area by emailing our members encouraging them to take up this role.

Whilst the branch is working hard to recruit new members it hasn't lost sight of the need to retain its current ones. Our publicity group is discussing ways to improve communication to demonstrate to its members all the activities that the branch is undertaking on their behalf.  There are plans to improve the website and hard copy and email newsletters.

Susan Bateman, Aberdeen University UCU

Last updated: 9 January 2018