Embedding 'Build the Union' in your communications - examples from London
6 June 2013
Popular high profile campaigns are probably our best recruiter and some branches are showing great ingenuity in embedding the objectives of the Build the Union campaign into their communications and campaigns. Here are a few examples sent to us from London.
On the back of their successful campaign against attempts to change the university's statutes, University College London UCU have put the figures for UCU's compensation wins in the last year (£11.1million) at the bottom of their branch communications, along with a link to our recruitment leaflet and an online joining link, asking members to pass it on to their colleagues.
The UCU branch at Lesoco (formerly Lewisham and Southwark Colleges) has published a newsletter on the back of their campaign against the latest organisational review and the threat of compulsory redundancies. As well as updating staff on the big issues that affect them, it features prominent calls to join the union and a box telling members what they can do to help. It's a really good example of a short, punchy newsletter that makes the case for the union.
University of West London UCU have published a new recruitment poster urging staff to join the union in response to attacks on their contracts. Once again, it's a really good example of using a campaign around a local issue to make the case for the union.
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