Academic-related, professional services staff annual meeting
2 August 2007
Annual meeting for academic-related, professional services staff members of UCU.
The next annual meeting of academic related, professional services staff will be Thursday, 6 March.
Venue and timings
An annual meeting will be held hybrid using Zoom.
Venue: UCU head office, Carlow Street, London, NW1 7LH, 10:00 - 15:30 (registration from 09:30)
Each HE branch may send two voting representative to the annual meeting. Branch representatives must have been approved either by a quorate branch meeting, quorate branch committee meeting or by a properly constituted meeting of members that work in an academic-related role.
Registration deadline - Monday, 4 March 5pm.
Nominations - deadline for submission of nominations is Thursday 20 February
Each HE branch/local association can nominate up to three people to the committee. Nominees to this committee must be in good membership standing and have been employed in an academic-related role in the last 12 months. The academic-related, professional staff committee will advise and make recommendations to the National Executive Committee on any issues arising specifically from or related to the employment of members on academic-related contracts.
The committee will meet three times a year and committee members will have their expenses paid. If elections are necessary these will be held soon after the annual meeting.
A nominations form will be available
Motions - deadline for submission of motions is Thursday 13 February
HE branches/local associations can submit up to 3 motions for consideration to the annual meeting, limited to matters of direct concern to staff in academic-related roles.
A motions form will be available in January.
Please also note the guidance on writing motions using the language of the social model of disability [100kb].
The 2023 annual meeting for ARPS was held on Thursday 16 March 2023 on-line using Zoom
2023 Conference Papers:
Previous meetings
17 March 2022
Motions put to the 2022 meeting [74kb]
Committee chair's report to the meeting [88kb]
Minutes of the 2021 annual meeting [99kb]
18 March 2021
There were two presentations by Dr Alicja Syska & Ursula Canton, and Professor Colin McCaig, on 'finding the silver linings in the cloud':
- Silver lining in the cloud - learning development: Syska & Canton ARPS annual meeting 2021 [56kb]
- Silver lining in the cloud: McCaig ARPS annual meeting 2021 [356kb]
The annual meeting voted to adopt these motions including agreeing amendments to the ARPS standing orders:
14 February 2019
The 2019 annual meeting was quorate for the first time in two years, so the main focus for the day was on electing an Academic-related, professional services staff committee, and looking to formulate a work plan for the committee for the year ahead.
Motions adopted at the ARPS annual meeting 2019 [45kb]
A presentation of the results of the last survey undertaken of ARPS staff in 2017 [446kb] was made to the meeting.
Lively workshop discussions produced some good feedback from the groups.
Delegates and general conference arrangements: Sue Bajwa
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