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Annual meeting of staff on casualised contracts

13 January 2021

Venue and timings

An annual meeting  will be held hybrid using Zoom on Saturday 22 February 2025

Venue: UCU head office, Carlow Street, London, NW1 7LH, 11:00 - 16:00 (registration from 10:30)

Registration - Deadline - Wednesday 12 February 2025

Click here to register



There are two ways in which members can register for this conference

Number one: each branch/local association may send two voting representatives to the annual meeting. Branch/local association representatives must have been approved either by a quorate branch meeting, quorate branch committee meeting or by a properly constituted meeting of members on casualised contracts.

Branches are asked to use our online service to register each representative.

Number two: delegates can self-register. However, delegates are encouraged to register through their branch where possible.

Branch registrations will automatically be confirmed upon registration, whereas self-registration will not be confirmed until after registration deadline when we know the final numbers for branch delegates.

Self-registrations will be considered in two groups: those from members of branches that have not registered an elected branch representative (group 1), and members of branches that have registered an elected branch representative (group 2). Places will first be allocated to members in group 1. If the number of members in group 1 exceeds the number of places available, places will be allocated at random. At this stage, not more than one place will be allocated to self-registrations from members of the same branch. Additional self-registrations from members of the same branch will be moved to group 2.

Nominations, deadline for submission on nominations is Friday, 7 February 2025

Each branch/local association can nominate one person to the anti-casualisation committee. To be eligible for election or co-option to the committee, candidates must be in good membership standing and be employed on a casualised contract - for example a fixed-term, hourly paid or agency contract, or, if not employed at the time of nomination, have been employed on such a contract within the last two years.

Click here for a nomination form [38kb]

Motions - deadline for submission of motions is Friday, 31 January 2025

Branches/local associations could submit up to three motions on matters of direct concern to staff employed on casual (eg, fixed-term).

Click here for a motions form [31kb]


Access requirements

If members have any specific access requirements, please provide us with full details on the relevant section of the registration form to ensure that we can make suitable arrangements to accommodate members' requirements. Alternatively please contact Sue Bajwa directly.

Conference Papers

All relevant conference papers including the final agenda will be emailed out to delegates approximately one week before the event.  If delegates require large print, please ensure this is specified on the registration form.

The 2023 annual meeting for staff on casualised contracts was held on Saturday 25 February on-line using Zoom

2023 Conference Papers:

Minutes 2021 [175kb]

Click here for a motions form [31kb]

Workshop choices [88kb]

Chair's report [192kb]



Delegates and general conference arrangements: Sue Bajwa

2022 conference papers:

Minutes of the 2021 annual meeting [175kb]

Motions put to the 2022 meeting [136kb]

Chair's report to the 2022 annual meeting [192kb]

UCU continues to campaign against casualisation in our sector, seeking to recruit and organise more casualised staff and looking to involve more casualised members in the democratic life of our union.

Our annual meeting is a vital part of that democracy: it elects an anti-casualisation committee to advise the the national executive committee. It also sends motions to the union's annual congress meeting to inform its work for the year, and it's an opportunity to discuss how to step up the fight in all our branches.

Last updated: 11 February 2025