Organising part-time and hourly-paid lecturers - a further education toolkit
This toolkit aims to provide some guidance and support for both part-time lecturers and branch officers wanting to do something to improve part-time and hourly-paid employment in FE colleges.
It includes documents prepared by union activists who have been trying to negotiate improvements for part-time and hourly-paid staff. Each institution has its own employment policies, so any information here about national agreements or national guidance should be read in conjunction with your own institution's policy on part-time working.
Remember that gains made by agreements at local level, and the ability to enforce national agreements, depend on the level of organisation among part-time workers. There can be no substitute for the basic tasks of recruiting part-time workers into the union and involving them in the activities of the branch.
Key extracts and the complete toolkit are available for download below.
National agreements and legal rights
Extract from: Organising part-time and hourly-paid lecturers - A further education toolkit
Negotiating guidance on FE national agreements
Extract from: Organising part-time and hourly-paid lecturers - A further education toolkit
Part-time and hourly-paid campaigns - examples
Extract from: Organising part-time and hourly-paid lecturers - A further education toolkit
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