Stamp Out in FE
29 October 2008
Information and materials on the Stamp Out campaign specific to FE.
In further education, the national employers organisation (the Association of Colleges) has signed up to a guidelines on both part-time and fixed-term working in further education.
UCU branches should ensure their employers implement the national agreements by negotiating a local agreement based on it. To this end, UCU has guidance to assist negotiators and this is available in Organising part-time & hourly-paid lecturers - an FE toolkit.
Wales and Northern Ireland
Separate bargaining arrangements in Wales and Northern Ireland mean that the national agreements with the Association of Colleges in relation to part-time and fixed-term employees only apply in England. For further information and advice on part-time, hourly-paid and fixed-term employment in FE Colleges in Wales and Northern Ireland please contact the Wales or Northern Ireland UCU offices.
The general campaigning and organising information contained in the Organising part-time and hourly-paid lecturers toolkit may still be useful for you, however.
Adult education
In the adult education sector agreements need to be struck locally. Branches should use the FE agreements as a starting point for local discussions within the branch and with other unions. Demands on specific local issues should be incorporated so a campaign can be built amongst part-time staff around negotiating appropriate agreements before being put to management. Adult education branches who are ready to put their demands to management should also seek support from their regional office.
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