Casualisation campaign resources
21 October 2008
The following documents are intended for members, branches and local associations across all sectors of the union. The materials include advice for branches and templates of various campaigning materials that can be adapted for local use.
For further information email
You can also follow the UCU anti-casualisation committee on X/Twitter: @UCUAnti_Cas
Campaign pack
'I support secure employment' poster [23kb]
Hourly-paid staff leaflet [376kb]
Anti-casualisation poster [365kb]
Researchers recruitment leaflet [434kb]
Charter for the treatment of casualised staff [116kb]
Advice for manager members in HE
Advice to UCU members who manage research staff [37kb]
Advice for research managers employing fixed-term research staff [207kb]
Advice for academic managers employing hourly-paid teaching staff [65kb]
Casualisation and neurodiversity
UCU Casualisation and neurodiversity guide [245kb]
UCU Casualisation and neurodiversity guide - no background [252kb]
UCU Anti-casualisation and Neurodiversity Manifesto [126kb]
UCU Anti-casualisation and Neurodiversity Manifesto - no background [132kb]
Supporting neurodiversity and colleagues on casualised contracts [207kb]
Supporting neurodiversity and colleagues on casualised contracts - no background [205kb]
General branch resources
Anti-casualisation legal toolkit [382kb]
New permanent contracts for Associate Lecturers at the OU [299kb]: how this win can be applied across all our branches.
FE local anti-casualisation newsletter [75kb]
HE local anti-casualisation newsletter [75kb]
Building effective local campaigns against casualisation: a branch rep's guide, Jun 15 [281kb]
Ending zero-hours contracts in further and higher education [685kb]
Note to branches on recruiting and negotiating on behalf of staff on casual contracts
Collective grievance guidance [166kb]
Collective grievance guidance [179kb]
Advice to branches/LAs on fixed-term and hourly paid representatives
The Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000
see also: UCU commentary on the part-time workers' regulations
The Fixed Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002
see also: UCU commentary on the fixed-term employees' regulations
Advice on written particulars of employment
See also:
Template: UCU survey of hourly paid and zero hours staff [160kb]
Template: UCU survey of research staff [179kb]
a letter template to VC/principal on the Stamp Out campaign [219kb]
a template for a local leaflet on anti-casualisation [211kb]
a template for a local petition [224kb]
a template for requesting members' help with the campaign [218kb]
a leaflet requesting members' help with the campaign [141kb]
a template for a survey of hourly paid staff [219kb]
Template workshop presentations
Researchers' workshop presentation [370kb]
Researchers' workshop guidance notes [33kb]
Hourly-paid workshop presentation [320kb]
Hourly-paid workshop guidance notes [33kb]
Know your rights card
Available to order via Martin Whelton (please provide postal address and quantities wanted):
see a preview of the card [174kb]
Related pages:
Other resources
There are also branch/LA resources available on the website on:
that can be used in a local anti-casualisation campaign.
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