2019 events
Information about events organised or supported by UCU during 2019.
Climate emergency: education for the future - conference
One-day conference on 12 October 2019 for educators and students from all sectors of education to discuss what needs to change in the face of the climate emergency and how we create an education system capable of delivering the changes we so urgently need.
Peterloo anniversary march
UCU is supporting the Peterloo commemorations taking place on Sunday 18 August 2019 in Manchester.
Tolpuddle Martyrs - the festival
Tolpuddle has been a place of great importance to the Labour Movement from the moment news broke of the harsh sentences imposed on the six farm workers who led the formation of the union.
#ReimagineFE19: conference
The #ReimagineFE19 conference will be held on 2 July at Birmingham City University. UCU is pleased to sponsor free tickets for FE staff to attend the working group on GCSE English and Maths resits.
Together for Education
UCU general secretary-elect Jo Grady is speaking at this one-day celebration and rally organised by the National Education Union (NEU) and partners about how we can win the money our schools and colleges desperately need.
Apprenticeships: where now and what next?
Discussion event in Westminster looking at apprenticeships policy and how to ensure apprenticeships are a high-quality, accessible and attractive option for young people.
March on UN anti-racism day
Saturday 16 March is UN international day of action against racism and UCU members will be joining demonstrations in London, Glasgow and Cardiff.
Cradle to Grave
The theme for our 2019 conference will be 'reimagining education - towards a national education service' which will look at the many critical issues facing further and higher education including the role of meritocracy, inequality and devolution.
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