UCU Congress 2011
19 January 2011
The annual UCU Congress will be held at the Harrogate International Centre, from Saturday 28 May to Monday 30 May 2011.
This will include meetings of the Higher Education and Further Education Sector Conferences. Sector conference meetings will take place on Saturday 28 May.
Saturday 28 May 2011
HE sector conference
9:30-10:00 Opening business, including:
Appointment of tellers
Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
Adoption of minutes of HE sector conference 31 May 2010 and HE special sector conference 25 November 2010 - see documents
Report from Michael MacNeil, national head of higher education
10:00-12:30 Debate of motions
12:30-14:00 Lunch (from 12:30) and fringe meetings (13:00-14:00)
14:00 Timed business: motions HE32-HE35, on USS dispute, to be taken in private session
Debate of motions to continue in open session
18:00 Close of business
Note: Helen Carr, national head of equality, will address the conference, time to be confirmed.
FE sector conference
9:30-10:00 Opening business, including:
Appointment of tellers
Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
Adoption of minutes of FE sector conference 31 May 2010 and FE special sector conference 2 October 2010 - see documents
Report from Barry Lovejoy, national head of further education
10:00-12:30 Debate of motions
12:30-14:00 Lunch (from 12:30) and fringe meetings (13:00-14:00)
14:00 Debate of motions (continued)
18:00 Close of business
Note: Helen Carr, national head of equality, will address the conference, time to be confirmed.
Sunday 29 May 2011
09:30-10:00 Opening business, including:
Alan Whitaker, Congress 2011
Address by Alan Whitaker, President
Appointment of tellers
Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
Adoption of minutes of Congress 30 May - 1 June 2010 - see documents
UCU general secretary, Sally Hunt
10:00-12:30 Section 1: Recruitment, organising and campaigning
12:30-14:00 Lunch (from 12:30) and fringe meetings (13:00-14:00)
14:00-15:45 Section 2: Employment-related
15:45-16:00 Address by Sally Hunt, General Secretary
16:00-18:00 Section 3: Business of the Strategy and finance committee to be taken in open session (motions 29-39)
18:00 Close of first day of Congress business
Monday 30 May 2011
09:30-10:30 Section 4: Education
John McDonnell, MP
10:30-10:45 Address by John McDonnell, MP
10:45-11:45 Private session Section 5: Business of the strategy and finance committee to be taken in private session (motions 45-52)
11:45-12:30 Private session Section 6: Rule changes
12:30-14:00 Lunch (from 12:30) and fringe meetings (13:00-14:00)
14:00-14:45 Private session Section 6 (continued): Rule changes
14:45-16.45 Equality
16:45-17:00 Closing business, including
Election results
Introduction of new president
17:00 Close of Congress 2011
Key documents
- UCU354 - Distinguished service awards to be presented at Congress 2011
UCU354.html | UCU354.rtf - UCU353 - Results of Congress Timing Survey
UCU353.html | UCU353.rtf - UCU352 - UCU Congress and Sector Conferences 2011: AGENDA (Second report of the Congress Business Committee)
UCU352.html | UCU352.rtf
- UCU351 - Minutes of special Higher Education Sector Conference held on 25 November 2010
UCU351.html | UCU351.rtf - UCU349 - Lesson observation policy - FE sector conference motion
UCU349.html | UCU349.rtf - UCU348 - Minutes of special Further Education Sector Conference held on 2 October 2010
UCU348.html | UCU348.rtf - UCU347 - Minutes of Further Education Sector Conference held on 31 May 2010
UCU347.html | UCU347.rtf - UCU345 - Minutes of Higher Education Sector Conference held on 31 May 2010
UCU345.html | UCU345.rtf - UCU344 - Call for nominations for HE negotiators
UCU344.html | UCU344.rtf - UCU343 - Call for nominations for FE negotiators
UCU343.html | UCU343.rtf - UCU342 - Minutes of UCU Congress 2010
UCU342.html | UCU342.rtf - UCU337 - First report of the Congress Business Committee
UCU337.html | UCU337.rtf - UCU334 - Proposed Budget 2011/12
UCU334.html | UCU334.rtf - UCU333 - Financial statements for period ending 31 August 2010
UCU333.html | UCU333.rtf - UCU331 - National Executive Committee report to UCU Congress 2011
UCU331.html | UCU331.rtf - UCU315 - UCU Distinguished service awards
UCU315.html | UCU315.rtf - UCU313 - UCU Congress, 28-30 May 2011: Registration and arrangements
UCU313.html | UCU313.rtf - UCU314 - UCU Congress 2011: calling notice
UCU314.html | UCU314.rtf -
UCU rules 2010-11 [208kb]
UCU rules 2010-11 [269kb]
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