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Special HE sector conference - September 2014: USS dispute

28 July 2014

Decision-making conference on the USS dispute called by the UCU vice-president (HE) on 19 September 2014.

Conference details: USS dispute

Conference for pre-92 institutions on Friday 19 September.

Sector conference on 29 May 2014 approved the report on USS (see UCUHE/220). Conference also agreed that, as in previous situations, there may be a need for a recall conference of branches/LAs affected by any trade dispute.

Using the authority delegated by the higher education committee, the Vice-President (HE) has agreed to call a conference of pre-92 branches for Friday 19 September. 

The purpose of the conference is to receive a report and recommendations from the negotiators and to debate the necessity, or otherwise, of balloting members for industrial action and the form that action could take.


USS Dispute update - Notice of intention to ballot has been served on employers in respect of the USS dispute. The ballot will open on 1 October and close on 20 October:
UCUHE230.rtf | UCUHE230.pdf

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Last updated: 25 April 2023