Special HE sector conference - November 2007: JNCHES review
5 September 2007
Special meeting of the higher education sector conference held on 9 November 2007 to consider issues arising from the JNCHES review.
Update: UCU sets out future of national higher education pay talks
The higher education committee convened a special meeting of the HE sector conference to consider issues arising from the current review of Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES).
Negotiations were suspended on the 12 July 2007 to provide UCU members with the opportunity to discuss the latest proposals for the revised national negotiating machinery. This process included this special sector conference.
Agenda and motions for debate
Final agenda and motions - UCU53 (.html) | Final agenda and motions - UCU53 (.rtf)
Background papers:
- Report on the HEC discussions regarding the future of the JNCHES negotiating machinery [122kb]
- JNCHES review briefing paper [375kb]
- JNCHES review briefing paper [796kb]
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