UCU Congress 2015
9 January 2014
UCU Congress 2015, held at the Scottish Exhibition Conference Centre, Glasgow on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 May 2015.
Saturday 23 May, 09:00-15:30: Sector conferences
Higher education sector conference
See all HE sector conference motions
09:00-09:30 Opening business, including:
Appointment of tellers
Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
Adoption of minutes of HE sector conference 29 May 2014 and minutes of HE special sector conferences
09:30-12:45 Private session: Pay and Pensions:
Report on pay negotiations from Michael MacNeil, National Head of Bargaining and Negotiations (10 minutes)
Motions HE1 - HE4 on Pay
Report on USS from Michael MacNeil, National Head of Bargaining and Negotiations (10 minutes)
Motions HE5 - HE9 on USS
Conference moves into open session. Debate of motions HE10 onwards.
12:45-13:30 Lunch (note lunchtime fringe meets cancelled)
13:30-15:30 Debate of remaining motions continues in open session.
15:30 Close of HE sector conference 2015
15:30-16:00 Tea break
Further education sector conference
See all FE sector conference motions
09:00-09:30 Opening business, including:
Appointment of tellers
Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
Adoption of minutes of FE sector conference 29 May 2014 and minutes of FE special sector conference
09:30-12:45 Debate of motions, beginning at motion FE5
12:45-13:30 Lunch (note lunchtime fringe meets cancelled)
13:30-15:30 Private session: Report on pay and bargaining from Michael MacNeil, National Head of Bargaining and Negotiations
Debate of motions FE1 - FE4
Debate of remaining motions continues in open session
15:30 Close of FE sector conference 2015
15:30-16:00 Tea break
Saturday 23 May 16:00-18:00, UCU Congress
16:00-16:30 Opening business, including:
Appointment of tellers
Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
Adoption of minutes of Congress 29 - 30 May 2014
16:30-17:45: Business of the Education Committee (motions 1-10)
17:45-18:00: Business of the Equality Committee (motions 11-20)
18:00 Close of business
18:00-19:00: Fringe meetings
- Bargaining for better jobs - Boisdale 1
- More differences in higher education policy than just tuition fees - Carron 1 (upper level)
- Policy and campaigns reception - 'Learning for Life' (until 19:30) - Alsh 1 & 2
Sunday 24 May, 09:00-18:30: Congress
09:00-09:45: Business of the Equality Committee (continued) (motions 11-20)
09:45-09:50: Other employment related business (motion 21)
09:50-11:50: Private session - Business of the Strategy and Finance Committee (motions 22-39)
11:50-12:45: Private session - Rule changes (motions 49-61)
12:45-13:30 Lunch (note lunchtime fringe meets cancelled)
13:30-14:00: Private session - Rule changes (continued) (motions 49-61)
14:00-15:10: Business of the Strategy and Finance Committee to be taken in open session (motions 40-48)
15:10-15:30: Business of the Recruitment, Organising and Campaigning Committee (motions 62-82)
15:30-16:00 Tea break. Film: Gaza to Edinburgh - the Odyssey of Enas
16:00-18:15: Business of the Recruitment, Organising and Campaigning Committee (motions 62-82)
18:15-18:30 Closing business, including
Election results
Closing remarks
18:30 Close of UCU Congress 2015
National negotiators' report to the higher education sector conference 2015
UCUHE248.rtf | UCUHE248.pdf
Action on higher education (HE) and further education (FE) conference resolutions 2014
UCU666.html | UCU666.rtf
Implications of rule changes to congress: explanatory information
UCU665.html | UCU665.rtf
Second report of the Congress Business Committee, including agenda, motions and amendments for debate
UCU667.html | UCU667.rtf
Minutes of the USS pre-92 decision-making conference, September 2014
UCU664.html | UCU664.rtf
Minutes of special further education (FE) sector conference, December 2014
UCU663.html | UCU663.rtf
Minutes of FE sector conference 2014
UCU662.html | UCU662.rtf
Minutes of HE sector conference 2014
UCU660.html | UCU660.rtf
Minutes of congress 29-30 May 2014
UCU659.html | UCU659.rtf
Distinguished service awards 2015
UCU650.html | UCU650.rtf
Election of FE negotiators - call for nominations
UCU648.html | UCU648.rtf
Election of HE negotiators - call for nominations
UCU649.html | UCU649.rtf
Congress 2015: first report of the congress business committee
UCU644.html | UCU644.rtf
Congress 2015: calling notice
UCU623.html | UCU623.rtf
Congress 2015: registration and arrangements
UCU624.html | UCU624.rtf
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