Anti-casualisation day of action, May 2014
26 March 2014
UCU annual day of action protesting against the over-use of casual contracts in UK further and higher education.
UCU branches took part in the union's anti-casualisation day of action on 7 May 2014 with events, meetings, and campaigning to draw attention to the vast numbers of college and university staff employed on zero hours or other casual contracts.
The Daily Telegraph also ran an article by general secretary Sally Hunt on the issues.
Action was based around UCU's 'build the union' campaign and our Continuing Professional Development resources. The aim is to recruit, involve members and raise awareness of job insecurity in post-school education.
Ways to still get involved:
- be photographed with an 'I support secure employment for all staff' and send it to:
- forward a recruitment email to colleagues
- promote UCU Learning for Life CPD programme
- set up an anti-casualisation group within your branch to identify issues to raise and to campaign
- campaign with local students using the postgraduate employment charter.
We also have a range of campaign resources available.
For further information email
On behalf of the Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) I have great pleasure in sending greetings of solidarity and support to your Anti-Casualisation Day of Action.
'Insecurity of employment in any sector of society is a cruel imposition on vulnerable people in the interests of profit and unfair levels of control. However, in the area of higher education, casualisation is a lethal weapon used to undermine the principle and practice of academic freedom. We in IFUT see the campaign against growing casualisation not only as a battle on behalf of our own members directly affected but as part of a wider, more fundamental struggle to maintain not just decent standards of work but also to preserve such socially essential rights as academic freedom and the free pursuit of knowledge.
'We are proud to be in the same frontline as you today.'
Mike Jennings
General Secretary
Irish Federation of University Teachers
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