The legacy of hope - resistance: yesterday and today
17 December 2009
UCU is pleased to announce three one-day seminars about the dangers of anti-Semitism to coincide with Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January 2010.
UCU has produced a wallchart to help mark Holocaust Memorial Day and educate against the dangers of anti-Semitism, fascism and racial discrimination. To order a copy of the chart please contact Swati Patel with your postal details. You can also download a version below:
The Holocaust - UCU timeline wallchart [1mb]
The seminars will cover areas including: The Holocaust, Jewish Resistance to the Holocaust and Historical Anti-Semitism in Europe: Patterns and Explanations and will be held at the following locations:
- Monday 18 January 2010 at the Old Court House, off Church Street (beside the old Music Library and opposite the Museum), 118 Church Street, Brighton*
- Wednesday 20 January 2010 at Northumbria University, Lecture Room 002, City Campus East
- Wednesday 27 January 2010 at UCU head office, London
* hosted by UCU Brighton
The seminars will cover the following themes The Holocaust, Jewish Resistance to Anti-Semitism and Anti-Semitism in Europe followed by a panel discussion.
Speakers confirmed include: Brian Klug, Senior Research Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy at St. Benet's Hall, University of Oxford; Gilbert Achcar, Professor of Development Studies and International Relations at SOAS; John Rose, Independent author and UCU member, intro author to Marek Endelman's 'The Ghetto Fights'; Mary Davis, Professor of Labour History, formerly Head of Centre for Trade Union Studies and Deputy Director of the Working Lives Research Institute, London Metropolitan University and UCU NEC member; Tom Hickey, Principal Lecturer in Philosophy and Politics, University of Brighton and UCU NEC member; David Hirsh, Lecturer in Sociology, Goldsmiths College, University of London; Philip Spencer, Associate Dean and Director of the Helen Centre for the Study of Rights, Conflict and Mass Violence, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University and Robert Fine, Professor of Sociology at University of Warwick.
The Legacy of Hope – resistance, yesterday and today - speaker contributions [522kb]
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