National lobby of parliament to defend jobs, defend education
11 January 2010
On Tuesday 26 January UCU held a lobby of parliament to let MPs know what is happening in further and higher education and to make sure the voices of UCU members are heard in the 'corridors of power' in the run up to the general election.
As well as highlighting our industrial agenda, we also launched our alternative vision for education, with our post-16 education manifesto:
The remainder of this page is retained for information.
Between 2.30pm and 4.30pm on 26 January, there will be speeches from MPs, trade unionists and educators. Although the speeches will continue for two hours, members should do their best to meet their MPs whenever possible. MPs are very busy and their diaries often fill up weeks in advance. Although the House authorities will do everything they can to find your MP, it may not be possible. It is always best to book in advance.
If you are seeing your MP, the following briefing is available:
Member briefing on defending jobs and education [51kb]
Member briefing on defending jobs and education [157kb]
You can:
- email your MP asking to meet them on the day by visiting
- or write to your MP at the House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
- or call your MP's House of Commons office via the switchboard on 020 7219 3000.
It is important for UCU to let the House of Commons authorities know how many people will be attending. If you are planning on attending the lobby, please email Lisa Johnson at
Unable to attend?
- Download and send this letter to you MP today:
draft letter to MPs re. lobby [167kb]
Please also help publicise the lobby in your workplace:
For more information on the practicalities of lobbying your MP, please download our lobby guide:
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