Raising the game in 14-19 learning
19 February 2010
Raising the game in 14-19 learning: professional development workshops for union learning representatives - LLUK-UnionLearn-UCU
A free 14-19 briefing workshop where you will receive an up-to-date electronic toolkit of information, strategies and support resources to use in your work with further education colleagues.
Workshops run from 9:45am – 4pm on the following days:
- Birmingham: Saturday 6 March 2010
- London: Saturday 13 March 2010
The events are free to attend, including lunch and refreshments. Travel expenses can be claimed to an event in your region. We can also offer some support for those who need help to cover childcare costs
Places are limited and will be offered on a first come first-served basis.
Contact us now to find out more, email: richard@afhconsulting.org.uk
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