UCU general secretary election 2019
23 May 2019
The result of the general secretary election has been announced and the following candidate is declared elected:
Jo Grady
The scrutineer's report and count sheet are available here:
General secretary election 2019 scrutineer report [267kb]
General secretary election 2019 election result count sheet [94kb]
The resignation of Sally Hunt created a vacancy in the position of general secretary of the University and College Union. This position is a full-time, salaried position as the union's chief executive. The term of office is for five years from the date on which the successful candidate is available to take up the office.
The calling notice for nominations and the circular containing nominations can be found below. The independent scrutineer for this election is Electoral Reform Services Ltd, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW.
Any queries relating to this election should be addressed to Catherine Wilkinson, head of constitution and committees.
UCU General Secretary election: ballot period and guidance notes
UCU955.html | UCU955.rtf
Nominations received
UCU946.html | UCU946.rtf
Calling notice
UCU927.html | UCU927.rtf
Election guidance notes [226kb]
Rules extract: general secretary election [89kb]
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