National executive committee casual vacancies 2009
26 March 2009
Casual vacancies for seats on UCU's national executive committee becoming vacant during 2009.
UK-elected member from the HE sector
UK-elected member of the national executive committee from the higher education sector
Dave Guppy (University College London) elected
Further information
UCU elections 10 - casual NEC HE vacancy report [68kb]
UCU elections 10 - casual NEC HE vacancy report [106kb]
Marion Hersh (University of Glasgow) was withdrawn from the ballot having been elected to an ordinary vacancy in the NEC elections for representation of women members in higher education.
Ballots to elect candidates to this casual vacancy took place alongside the ordinary round of NEC elections in February-March 2010, opening on Monday 8 February and closing on Monday 8 March.
The above notice was circulated as circular UCU223.
See circular UCU214 for full information
2009 casual vacancies
All terms of office for the following casual vacancies run from the declaration of the election result until the end of UCU annual Congress in 2010. The results of the NEC casual vacancy elections are as follows. More details are available below.
- Representative of women members from the HE sector
Ann BLAIR elected - UK-elected member from the HE sector
Roger BROOKS elected - Representative of women members from the FE sector
Sheila SMITH elected - Further education sector, North East
Dave GIBSON and David O'TOOLE elected
Further information:
Representative of women members from the HE sector (casual vacancy)
The following candidate was elected:
More information:
UCU casual NEC vacancy: HE women count [127kb]
- UCU198 NEC casual vacancies: nominations received
- UCU186 UCU NEC casual vacancies
UK-elected member from the HE sector (casual vacancy)
The following candidate was elected:
More information:
UCU casual NEC vacancy: UK HE count [138kb]
- UCU188 UCU NEC casual vacancies: nominations received
- UCU182 UCU NEC casual vacancies: calling notice
Representative of women members from the FE sector (casual vacancy)
The following candidate was elected:
Sheila SMITH
More information:
UCU casual NEC vacancy: FE women count [127kb]
- UCU188 UCU NEC casual vacancies: nominations received
- UCU182 UCU NEC casual vacancies: calling notice
Further education sector, North East (2 x casual vacancy)
The following candidates were elected, in order of election:
More information:
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