National executive committee casual vacancies 2010
17 June 2010
Casual vacancies for seats on UCU's national executive committee becoming vacant during 2010-11.
UK-elected member from the further education sector
Kathy Taylor was elected to the position of vice-president with effect from the close of Congress on 1 June 2010. Her election to this position created a casual vacancy on the NEC for a UK-elected NEC member from the further education sector.
- The term of office for these casual vacancies is from the declaration of the election result until the end of UCU annual Congress in 2011.
- The deadline for receipt of nominations to this vacancy was 5:00pm on Friday 16 July 2010. For further information on the nominations process please see the calling notice: UCU272 (html) | UCU272 (rtf)
The following nominations were received:
- David Armstrong (Barnet College)
- Doug Rouxel (South Essex College)
See: UCU278 (html) | UCU278 (rtf)
Following the closure of the ballot at noon on Thursday 30 September 2010, David Armstrong is declared elected.
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