UCU Scotland elections 2017
5 October 2017
UCU Scotland officer and executive committee positions
Nominations for Vice President, Honorary Treasurer and Equality Officer of UCU Scotland and three ordinary members of the UCU Scotland Executive Committee closed at 5:00pm on Wednesday 16 November (the calling notice can be found below). The following nominations were received:
Vice President, UCU Scotland
Eurig Scandrett (Queen Margaret University)
Honorary Treasurer, UCU Scotland
David Anderson (University of Glasgow)
Equality Officer, UCU Scotland
No nominations received.
UCU Scotland, Executive Committee members - 3 seats
Bill Craig (Robert Gordon University)
Marion Hersh (University of Glasgow)
Gordon Watson (University of Strathclyde)
All positions are for a term of two years and terms of office begin at the close of UCU's national Congress meeting on 29 May 2017.
For further information about these elections, contact Nicola McGowan at UCU's Scotland office (email: nmcgowan@ucu.org.uk; tel: 0141 225 8160).
Further information about nominations received for the postions of President and Honorary Secretary of UCU Scotland can be found at https://www.ucu.org.uk/elections.
Documents relevant to UCU Scotland elections
UCU Scotland elections 2017: calling notice [86kb]
Election guidance notes [61kb]
Election address regulations [62kb]
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