UCU trustee, national officer and national executive committee elections in 2019-20: election results
27 September 2019
Officer and NEC casual vacancies: nominations received
The results of the trustee, officer and NEC elections have now been declared and are available below. The terms of office for these positions begin on 29 May 2020 unless otherwise stated.
The scrutineer's reports are available here:
scrutineer report trustee, officer and national seats [198kb]
scrutineer report FE seats [196kb]
scrutineer report HE seats [204kb]
Trustee, officer and NEC elections 2020: results
Trustees (3 seats)
Dr Angela Roger (University of Dundee)
Angie McConnell (Open University)
Martin Ralph (University of Liverpool)
Vice President from the further education sector (1 seat) (becoming President 2022-23)
Janet Farrar (The Manchester College)
count sheet vice president [95kb]
Geographically-elected members of the National Executive Committee
Northern Ireland HE (1 seat)
Linda Moore (Ulster University)
count sheet Northern Ireland HE [229kb]
Northern Ireland FE (1 seat) (uncontested)
Monica Goligher (Belfast Metropolitan College)
Wales HE (1 seat) (uncontested)
Vida Greaux (University of South Wales)
North East HE (3 seats)
Ruth Holliday (University of Leeds)
Bruce E. Baker (Newcastle University)
Joan Harvey (Newcastle University)
count sheet North East HE [124kb]
North East FE (1 seat)
Rachel Minshull (Leeds City College)
count sheet North East FE [94kb]
London and the East HE (4 seats to include at least one woman)
Holly Smith (University College London) [woman]
Annie Goh (UAL Central St Martins) [woman]
Sarah Brown (Anglia Ruskin University) [woman]
Claire Marris (City, University of London) [woman]
count sheet London and East HE [119kb]
London and the East FE (2 seats)(uncontested)
Julia Roberts (Lambeth College)
Sean Vernell (Capital City College Group CANDI Lifelong Learning)
Midlands HE (1 seat) (casual vacancy)(to take up office from the declaration of result)
David Harvie (University of Leicester)
count sheet Midlands HE [100kb]
Scotland (Honorary Secretary UCU Scotland)(1 seat)(casual vacancy)(to take up office from the declaration of result)
Ann Swinney (University of Dundee)
count sheet Scotland HE [93kb]
UK-elected members HE (5 seats; to include at least one post-92, one academic related)
Jo McNeill (University of Liverpool) [academic related]
Adam Ozanne (University of Manchester)
Ann Gow (University of Glasgow)
ChloƩ Vitry (Lancaster University)
Dr Leon Rocha (University of Lincoln) [post-92]
count sheet HE UK-elected [386kb]
UK-elected members HE (casual vacancy)(1 seat)(to take up office from the declaration of result)
Dr Mark Pendleton (University of Sheffield)
count sheet HE UK-elected (casual vacancy) [99kb]
UK-elected members FE (3 seats; to include at least one ACE and one woman)
Naina Kent (Hackney ACE) [ACE] [woman] - declared elected uncontested as only ACE candidate
Ballot to elect two further candidates:
Lauren Mura (Blackburn College) [woman]
Richard McEwan (New City College (Poplar))
count sheet FE UK-elected [101kb]
UK-elected members FE (casual vacancy)(1 seat)(to take up office from the declaration of result)
Nina Doran (City of Liverpool College)
count sheet FE UK-elected (casual vacancy) [96kb]
Representatives of women members - Higher education (3 seats)
Joanna de Groot (University of York)
Joanne Edge (University of Manchester)
Pura Ariza (Manchester Metropolitan University)
count sheet representative of women members (HE) [140kb]
Representatives of women members - Further education (2 seats) (uncontested)
Carolyn Campbell (The Trafford College Group)
Stephanie Williams (Bath College)
Representatives of migrant members (2 seats) (uncontested)(to take up office from the declaration of result)
Dima Chami (University of Leeds) [non-EU]
Robyn Orfitelli (University of Sheffield) [non-EU]
Election documents:
- Ballot period and guidance notes: UCU998.html | UCU998.rtf
- Nominations received: UCU986.html | UCU986.rtf
- Calling notice: UCU973.html | UCU973.rtf
Election guidance notes [96kb]
Election address regulations [101kb]
Election rules [256kb]
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